Love In Bloom

Friday, June 17, 2011

Mr. K's 2nd Birthday!!

Happy 2nd Birthday, Mr. K!!!

One of my good friends, Melinda, asked me to attend her son's 2nd birthday party and take some pictures for her.  She had done SUCH a good job on the decorations, cakes, food, and treats for adults and children.  I was honored to take their pictures and enjoy Mr. K's birthday!

K's cute smash cake!

 Treats for the adults (above) and the kids (below) - Gorgeous and color-coordinated!  Loved this idea!

 K giving his Daddy "knuckles"

A sweet, sweet little guest at K's party who wasn't too sure about the hat!

 Waitin' on his smash cake - look at that excitement!

 Getting that cake in there any way he could!
 So excited to get into that cake ... look how busy his hands are!!


 Love this sweet little face!!

 Sharin' with Daddy ...

What a precious little boy - Happy 2nd Birthday!!

 Hehehe ... just loved this shot I got with the "cake face!"

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