Love In Bloom

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Nie-Roth Engagement - 5.30.11

Theresa contacted me to do some engagement photos of her and her fiance.  They are getting married out of state but wanted some engagement shots done here in North Carolina.  I really enjoyed getting to know them and love how these shots came out!


Thanks you two, for the opportunity to do your engagement shots ... best wishes for your wedding and future!

Sweet Baby Hayes

Little Miss "S" is a precious blessing.  She arrived several weeks early.  When her mom undressed her for these shots, my mouth just dropped open. 
This perfect little one was only a little over 5 pounds.  She was so good for our session and I think these pictures came out so sweet!

 Here is a sweet picture of Little Miss "S" and her big sister, who is SO proud of this little miracle!  How could you take a bad picture of these two?!!?!

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Sigmon Family - Spring 2011

What a wonderful photo session I had with the Sigmon family.  These fabulous little ones made this session so much fun.  It was fun trying to keep up with them and catching some of the candid shots I did!

 ~ Sisterly Love ~

 What a little beauty!


Some Mommy-daughter LOVE
These two girls are absolutely stunning!

Loved this session ... it was a lot of fun and I enjoyed seeing my friend Angie and shooting her family.  I can't wait to do it again!

Thanks Angie, Shane and the two little misses!

Lil' Miss Totty - Spring Pictures

On a beautiful spring day in May, we ventured out to take some beautiful pictures of little miss "E" in her dedication dress.  What a little angel!

 Cute little toesies peekin' out!

 Sitting in a chair that her mother sat in when she was small

Daddy's little girl!

Little Beauty

Sweet little family

 She is SO gorgeous!

Love this family, loved this session!

Thanks, Totty family, for a wonderful session and beautiful pictures to add to my portfolio!

Mr. K's 2nd Birthday!!

Happy 2nd Birthday, Mr. K!!!

One of my good friends, Melinda, asked me to attend her son's 2nd birthday party and take some pictures for her.  She had done SUCH a good job on the decorations, cakes, food, and treats for adults and children.  I was honored to take their pictures and enjoy Mr. K's birthday!

K's cute smash cake!

 Treats for the adults (above) and the kids (below) - Gorgeous and color-coordinated!  Loved this idea!

 K giving his Daddy "knuckles"

A sweet, sweet little guest at K's party who wasn't too sure about the hat!

 Waitin' on his smash cake - look at that excitement!

 Getting that cake in there any way he could!
 So excited to get into that cake ... look how busy his hands are!!


 Love this sweet little face!!

 Sharin' with Daddy ...

What a precious little boy - Happy 2nd Birthday!!

 Hehehe ... just loved this shot I got with the "cake face!"