Love In Bloom

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Little Miss "E-G"

This little sweetheart had me smiling from minute one.  She was a joy to shoot. 
A last-minute photo opportunity turned into some of
my favorite pictures I've ever taken. 

She is just absolutely stunning, and I told her parents: "I don't know how you could take a bad picture of her."  She is adorable!

 Laughing at her Daddy!

 A girl and her puppy ...

 I absolutely LOVE how it looks like they are having a conversation!

I know when I am smiling from ear-to-ear while editing, there are going to be some pretty amazing shots.  This little beauty made it so easy!  I really enjoyed shooting her, and can't wait to do it again!  Thanks Roger and Miranda for letting me shoot your precious little one!

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