Love In Bloom

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Hennessee Family

The Beautiful Hennessee Family

Love, Love, Love this black and white shot!

 These gorgeous buildings provided awesome backgrounds for these shots!

 Sweet Family!

 Little Ms. Hennessee saw this cool building, and these turned out to be some of the favorite shots of the day!!


 I LOVE feet shots ... so unique!

 Tire swing was so much fun!

Thanks guys for the opportunity to shoot your family!  Let's do it again soon!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Little Miss "A" - Baptism and some Family Time

This sweet little family baptized this beautiful baby last Sunday.  She was so good during our "shoot" and didn't even cry once.  She was a doll!

Congratulations Little Miss "A"!

Love this one with her sweet little sunglasses!

Isn't she just a beauty???? 

Thank you, Kellie and Steve for allowing me to be a part of this special day!

Best wishes, and congratulations on this gorgeous little girl!