Love In Bloom

Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Little Miss Lilly-Ann!!!

I have had the distinct honor of photographing the Stewart family this year. 
They have been wonderful models and have given me many opportunities to learn more and more about family photography!
I was invited to take pictures for their little girl's 1st birthday this past Saturday. 
I am SO pleased with the way these came out!! 

Happy Birthday Miss Lilly-Ann!!

Happy Birthday Lilly-Ann! 
So glad I could be a part of your special day!

Saturday, April 23, 2011


I love to take pictures of the countryside and farm animals.  Since I am most definitely a "city" girl, growing up in Charlotte, N.C., moving to a small town when I got married was a complete eye-opener for me.  I constantly am wanting to pull over and take pictures of barns, cows, horses, flowers, open green hills, old dilapidated buildings with tin roofs, and all "country" type things.  It's so interesting to me.  Here are a few I snapped in early April, 2011 in Statesville and right down the road from my house.  Enjoy!


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Baby Spicer

Introducing .... Baby Spicer!!!

 Sweet Little Baby Feet!!

What a cute little man!


 Loved these shoes!!!

Special bracelet representing Daniel's journey so far ...


Last Saturday, I had the distinct pleasure of shooting a baby of one of my girlfriends from middle school.  Recently, a group of three of us re-connected and have gone to lunch about once a month for the last year.  We LOVED seeing Leanne grow as this sweet little one grew inside!  She wouldn't let me do maternity shots, but this sweet little boy was well worth the wait!!!! Enjoy!

Can't wait to shoot your family again, Leanne. 
Thanks for the wonderful opportunity!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Harrington Family - March 2011

One of my wonderful graduate school friends, Kari, invited me out to take some pictures of her gorgeous family on a chilly day in March when their family peach orchard was in peak bloom.  The trees were almost as beautiful as her family!

Little Miss "H" and Little Mr. "W" were so good for the shoot! 
How cute are they?!!!


Such a sweet family!

Love their little hands and the details on her dress!

Gorgeous peach and nectarine orchards!


Watchin' their donkeys, Dora and Diego!


One of my favorite shots from the day ...


 What a wonderful day and a beautiful family to work with - can't wait to have another session sometime soon!